Net Plaza
Address: | 31st Street, E-Square Zone, Crescent Park West, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City 1634 |
Contact number: | no data |
How to commute to Net Plaza?
The closest bus stop to Net Plaza is the Crescent Park West bus stop. You can reach this bus stop using either of the following BGC bus routes.
- Board an Upper West Route bus at EDSA-Ayala Bus Terminal.
- Board a Central Route bus at Market Market Bus Terminal.
After alighting at Crescent Park West bus stop, walk northward along 1st Avenue and turn left to 31st St. From here, you can now see Net Plaza so walk towards it. The total walking distance is 110 meters.
Tenants and occupants of Net Plaza
Company | Unit/Floor | Phone Number* |
JPMorgan Chase & Co. | Ground floor | 908 5762 |
Insular Bank | Ground floor | 804 1353 |
* All contact numbers have area code of +632
Posted on July 13, 2013 under Offices. Last updated on 20 Jul 2019. .